Frequently Asked Questions
Do you recycle pots?
Not at this time.
Do you deliver?
We run deliveries on-island for a flat $75 fee per pick-up load. Our normal delivery day occurs on Mondays. If a second person is needed for lifting or unloading large or heavy items, an additional $40 fee will apply. ANY delivery that takes longer than one hour will be charge additional fees. Delivery is to your driveway. NOT in your yard. IF wanting a placement, you must tell us BEFORE we show up with the plant/plants.
Do you have gift certificates?
We offer Gift Certificates in any denomination. Please fill out form ON MAIN PAGE to get started! IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS, PLEASE CALL 206 463 9416. YOU SHOULD RECIEVE A CALL WITHIN 48 HOURS. PLEASE CALL IF YOU DO NOT HERE FROM US!!
How do I buy a gift certificate?
You can purchase a certificate in-person, or over the phone. You can get started by filling out the Gift Certificate form found on main page.
Do you do custom container plantings?
Yes we do! Please chat with our nursery staff or fill out our request form in our service section to get started.
Do you sell native plants?
We have a selection of PNW and US native plants at the nursery year-round.
Is Kathy’s Corner hiring?
Please ask —we are always looking for great folks to join our team!
Do I need to wear a mask?
Please read our Covid-19 Updates page for details. At this period in time we are NOT requiring you to mask.
Do you sell seeds?
We offer a wide range of conventional and organic seeds in spring and fall —including wild flowers blends, herbs, veggies, greens, and fruits.
Do you offer landscaping/design/construction services?
We do! We have multiple crews that operate on island, and boast some of the most experienced workers on Vashon. Please visit our services page for full details.
Do you have gardening supplies and/or fertilizers?
We stock a wide range of gardening supplies, watering cans, pots & planters, containers, Black nursery pots, stakes, fertilizers, and disease/pest control. While we carry mostly organices, we do carry selected synthetic products as well.
Do you sell veggie starts?
Starting in March and running through mid-summer, we have a wide selection of spring and summer veggie starts. We often offer a limited crop of fall vegetables in September & October. Shope early for best selection..
What is your Refund Policy?
We DO NOT take plants back. Once your plant leaves the nursery it’s your plant. Please take the time to pick your plants carefully. If you need help picking a plant for your site our sales staff will be happy to help you choose. Think about size, color, and texture, now —not after you get home.
Plants are living and perishable. You must be responsible for their care. This means providing adequate water, reasonable soil conditions and protection from animal damage. Proper planting is essential for them to live and thrive. Please pick up a planting sheet and follow the instructions.
If you purchase dormant material, and the plant does not ‘break’ dormancy, we will replace the plant with the same or similar material if returned within 60 days (up to 120 for trees purchased in winter months). Talk to our sales staff for instructions or other information.
Hardgoods may be returned for up to 30 days. Receipt is required. Product must be ‘new’ sellable condition.
Do you guarantee your plants?
We guarantee that our plants are healthy and in good condition when they leave our nursery. However, we cannot ensure the plants will be properly cared for therefore we cannot ensure their survival. Plants are living, breathing beings and yes, plants die for us and for anyone that has ever grown plants. We can not measure your gardening abilities, and likewise for hungry animals or weather-related difficulties that may occur once you have the plants.
Of course if a dormant plant does not break dormancy or if there is a problem related to a cultural problem here at the nursery or at our supplier nursery, then we will be happy to give you a replacement or a store credit. This is a rare event, but does happen. If you have a legitimate problem, we want to know. Be sure to pick up and review our planting guide when purchasing your plants. Our team will be happy to discuss other care requirements your plants may need.
Are dogs allowed in the nursery?
We LOVE dogs and want to visit with your special friend. All dogs must be dog-friendly, adult-friendly and child-friendly. All dogs must be on a 6-foot or shorter leash. For safety reasons, retractable leashes are not permitted. Dog owners/handlers must pick up and dispose of their dogs' waste. Kathy’s Corner reserves the right to evict any dog and its owner from the premises.
Owners/Handlers will not hold Kathy’s Corner or any associated parties responsible for any injury or incidents that may occur.
Owners/Handlers will be responsible for any issues caused by their animal.
Do you offer workshops?
Not at this time —due to staffing shortages and the Covid-19 pandemic, we are not able to host events or workshops.
Do you sell soil/soil amendments?
We have a wide range of bagged soils and soil amendments; from small bags for specific houseplant species, to compressed bales of peat, perlite and composts. We do not stock, sell, or supply bulk soils or amendments.
What forms of payment do you accept?
Cash, check, Kathy’s Corner Gift Certificates, debit cards, major credit cards (not American Express), and all major phone payment apps. Our card processor is equipped with tap-and-go tech to make your purchase fast, secure, and touch-free!
Are you wheelchair accessible?
Our nursery grounds are all located on a single level, and are accessible to wheelchairs and other mobility assistance tools. We also have reserved parking for those with appropriate vehicle identifiers. Please note that our facility is unpaved, and often has hoses in use on the nursery grounds. At times, newly arrived plants may make accessing certain areas more difficult. In that case someone will be available to help. I personally use a scooter, so i understand the needs & wants. and you will find we that you can get around without any mejor issues.
Can I make a ‘special order’?
We take requests, and can help you track down specific plants through our Wish List system. Send us an email or fill out a Wish List form in the store for your specific plant or garden supplies. When we are sourcing materials, we will keep an eye out for the item you’ve requested. Your request is non-binding for either party, and is subject to availability. Some species may not be available in our region, or may be on a USDA watch list or Noxious Weed list; in these cases, we will not be able to fulfill your request. Many plants can take a year or more to arrive from outside growers.
What USDA Hardiness Zone are we?
Vashon is considered to be Zone 8b. However, due to season fluctuations, occasional hard winters, and the ever changing climate, we recommend selecting plants hardy to zone 7 or colder (6, 5, 4, etc.) to ensure your favorite plants will be completely winter hardy in the surrounding Puget Sound region.
Do you sell pond/aquatic plants?
We do not stock true aquatic plants, or pond supplies. We have a selection of plants that will work for marginal plantings (seasonally submerged, or only in a few inches of water).
Can I take photos in the nursery?
We encourage you to enjoy your time in the nursery, this includes photography. Please tag us in your social posts and share the love!
Do you ship items?
We are a local nursery designed to be shopped in-person. At this time, we only mail Gift Certificates.
Do you have deer-proof plants?
There is no-such-thing as a deer-proof plant. Some plants handle deer browsing better than others, and some plants are not typically favored by deer. But deer can and do browse on anything green depending on population, weather conditions, environmental factors etc. However, we have a long list of plants that tend to be deer resistant among our local deer populations. Additionally, with a proper deer fence, any plant can be considered deer-proof.
Can I plant ‘now’?
As long as you can dig a hole in the ground, it is safe to plant. You just need to make sure there is adequate moisture available, a suitable location, and a plant that’s zone hardy.
Where do your plants come from?
We grow many of our plants here at Kathy’s Corner ourselves. We source seeds and baby plant material from trusted growers across the nation. We also occasionally bring in ‘ready to sell’ plants from respected growers in the greater PNW and West Coast regions.
Do you sell wholesale or have discounts for landscapers?
No; we have one set price for every type of shopper, which is the lowest price we can realistically sell plants at and stay in business.